It has taken us over six months to hang curtains in the living room. We had hoped to have living room curtains in time for
Naplover's visit, but it just didn't work out. Our windows are, apparently, a funny size which requires special ordering extra long curtains. We finally got them, but they were a bit long and a bit sheer.
The new curtains, looking a little too see-through.
We washed and dried them, which helped them shrink just enough to clear the floor. Then we ordered sheers to go under them, which will also help to reduce the sunlight filtering through. Of course, THEY were back-ordered, too. We found these groovy curtain rods, which were much harder to install than they looked. At least Derek had a chance to use his super-duper, folding, extending, adjusting ladder.
Derek, with cool ladder.
It took us about two hours to install two curtain rods and two curtain holders (what are they called if they aren't tie-backs? Loop-backs?)
Emilie playing with the new curtains.
It was worth the trouble! The curtains help keep out the sun all day, which makes the house much cooler. Don't worry, Dharma can still sleep without the sunbeam.
Dharma posing cutely on the 30-year-old sleeping bag that Emilie had as a little girl.
Dharma somehow managing to sleep without a sunbeam. Can you hear the snores?
She likes playing little dog in the big forest with the curtains. But she's not too sure she likes the sheers--sometimes they move mysteriously in the breeze and she has to bark at them. Just in case, you know. Just in case they have somehow come to life and become zombie man-eating killer curtains. (Hey, I think I saw that movie on cable one night!)
Yes, we now have cable. We actually had to go to the cable office twice to get past voicemail hell. Each person we talked to told us a different price and package. Then it took the cable guy over an hour to hook up something or other. Then he left a cable line across the front lawn, which helped give Derek an excuse not to mow for several days. When the cable company finally buried the line, they apparently cut the phone line. So we were without phone or internet for several days while the two argued over whose fault it was. Ah, the wonders of modern technology.
We have over a hundred channels. My favorite program?
History Detectives on PBS. Which we got just fine before we had cable.