Saturday, February 14, 2009

Signs of Spring

Our last post was about a foot of snow. Well, with the melting snow comes signs of spring...

Our trees and bushes are starting to get their buds...

Our tree in our front yard

Our lilac bush

And one of the hydrangeas (we're not too sure about the other one)

Now that the buds are on the trees, Emilie has also started making plans...

The pots are ready

Emilie has plenty of seeds on hand

Emilie is going to take the trellises (from our neighbor's tent that was destroyed in the remnants of Hurricane Ike), stand them up on end, and grow some viney plants on them.

I have been instructed to get this arch assembled so we can put it in front of our gate at the back of the yard

Another sign of spring? Robins! These two birds (one on each side of the fence) came out to say "Hello" while I was taking pictures. (Then they saw Dharma and decided it was best to fly off to safer territory.)

Oh, and the final "sign" of spring? Us wishing everybody a Happy Valentine's Day!

Dharma is in her Valentine's Day best, too!