Friday, October 29, 2010

What do you call...

What do you call it when a whole bunch of dachshunds get together? (No we did not suddenly acquire more puppies, these pictures were taken last Christmas at my parent's house.) My mom says you should call it "a cuddle of dachshunds." Sort of like "an exultation of larks."

My Dad is the King of the Dachshunds. They follow him around the house all day, in an admiring parade. If he sits down, they fight over his lap. He favors the term "a thundering herd of dachshunds."

I, personally, prefer the term "a curiosity of dachshunds." This refers not only to their personality, but also to their unusual shape.

These doggies are very curious about the smell of Christmas dinner cooking. From left to right: Hunny, Henry, Holly, and Dharma. Hunny and Henry are rescue dachshunds. They were not treated very well at all before they were adopted by my parents. But now, they have hit the doggie jackpot! Hunny is named after her color. It is spelled the way Winnie the Pooh spells it, since no one loves hunny more than Pooh. Henry is named after Henry VIII, who also had red hair. They get lots of loving and treats, to make up for not getting much attention early in life. They didn't even know what grass was, they had never been allowed to walk on the grass before! They didn't know how to play with toys, either. No matter how much my parents feed them, they stay very skinny. This makes Holly jealous, since she is often on a diet. But Holly is definitely the head of the pack. When they parade after my father, she gets to lead the way. Maybe we should call them "a string of dachshunds." Like a string of sausages.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Hallowiener!

Petsmart had a little Howl-o-ween party for puppies. I still find it hard to believe that Dharma didn't win the costume contest!

Maybe it was because she kept taking her crayon-point hat off? It did make her look a bit like a gnome, but it earned her plenty of noms. I think her little tummy was pooched out after the party, she got so many treats!

Now that's how you celebrate Howl-o-ween!

So, which is cuter: the crayon or the Tootsie Roll? Which should I put on her for October 31st?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ready for Halloween?

Dharma is getting all ready for Halloween. She is collecting bones to make a skeleton. As you can see, she has several all lined up. Don't worry, these are actually artificial teeth-cleaning nylon bones. No icky germs or dangerous splintering involved. They come in flavors like chicken and chocolate. Do you think she's just a teeny bit spoiled? Naaaah.

Next time: Dharma's new Halloween costume. Is it as cute as the Tootsie Roll one? Is that even possible!?! Stay tuned...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

More doxieness!

Mad props to this adorable website, all about dachshunds! Too bad they already took the name "Dachshund love."

What do dachshunds love? Well, Dharma loves lolling on the couch. Preferably with her favorite blanket and a warm human to cuddle. Yeah, Dharma, I love that, too.

Is it just me, or is she smiling in this picture?