Yes, for your viewing pleasure, Dharma has returned! Don't think that the puppy deserted her loyal fans. It was more a matter of her "Mommy" spending more time on Facebook and less time here. But, really, the blog is a better showcase for our puppy's extreme cuteness, isn't it?
For at least the next week or so, we will resume the Daily Dachshund photos. As requested by one of her fans, Dharma will model her impression of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. And you will see, she is not only cute, she is also quite the ham--I mean, actress.
Like dwarves, doxies can apparently sleep anywhere. And don't think for a minute that she doesn't have plenty of soft, cozy places to sleep. She even has
tiny pillows for her little head. She just preferred "roughing it" for this particular nap for some strange reason. Who know what thoughts go through her little furry head? I do wonder what she dreams about, when her little paws run or she licks her lips in her sleep. Is she dreaming of chasing badgers? And eating them. With ketchup.