Well, while some people look for "signs" of spring and summer by counting the number of mosquito head net advertisements they find (regular readers of our friends' blogs will get that allusion), we are just excited about the signs of life in our own front yard.
After repeated escape attempts (some speculated it was a small Ent), right before Christmas we finally got our tree in the front yard nice and staked. However, it had blown over about 3 times in 2 months, and there was no sign that any of the roots had broken through the root bag, so we were just sure it was dead. But lo and behold, IT'S ALIVE!!!
And some of our bushes are alive as well...
But the clover in our yard is also alive. I complained about it to Emilie, but she told me to calm down, that at least the lawn was still green!
As a matter of fact, our front yard looks pretty darn nice, if I do say so myself...
Why the Chocolate Fountain Failed
6 days ago
It does look nice! And I am also impressed that the Ent has survived its multiple escape attempts and suicidal tendencies.
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