Thursday, December 25, 2008

The First Day of Christmas. . .

No, Christmas isn't over. It's just begun! In an effort to limit any post-Christmas blues, we will bring you the 12 Days of Dachshunds, with a 12 Days of Christmas theme. (Yes, with any luck, there will be TWO doxies appearing in these pictures.) The first day of Christmas is, well, Christmas. They continue until Epiphany, the day the Three Wisemen visited and brought the first Christmas presents. In the middle ages, the feasting and drinking went on for all twelve days. Of course, they didn't get weekends off from work, so they had to make up for that injustice somehow.

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me . . .

A Puppy and a Pear Tree*

*Botanical acccuracy not included.

Merry Christmas, from Derek, Emilie, and Dharma!


TemporaryLibrarian said...

Two puppies???? Is Dharma becoming a big sister?

The Chocolate Priestess said...

I like this thread, Emilie, keep it up.
