Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Costume decision

I think I have decided what Dharma will be for Halloween, if I can figure out how to make her costume. And it will be even cuter than the little sheep (ram?) costume on Amazon:


Can you guess what Dharma will be? Hint: it involves a bad pun. Wait, aren't all puns bad? At least in English?

And, just to be fair, we will also include this lovely ferret costume. Who knew there were ferret Halloween costumes? Gee, you don't think they would fit a doxie, do you?

I love how proud the ferret looks about his outfit. I bet, if he didn't like it, he could slide right out of it even faster than Dharma stripped off her fur coat. She doesn't seem to mind it when it is cold out, though. Smart puppy!

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