Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Major progress!!!

We drove by the homesite today (after taking Emilie's parents to the airport in Indy) and lo and behold! They started framing our house! It is amazing how fast they can put a house together...
Here is a shot when I first arrived -- there is nothing on the inside, just the outer walls.

Less than 45 minutes later, they had added most of the interior framing, including the kitchen, the master bedroom and bathroom, etc. By our count, there were 10 guys working on the house all at the same time!

By this evening, they were pretty much done with the framing (we are hoping tomorrow they will be putting up the trusses). Here's a couple of shots of the interior of the house: the first one looking through the window in our office (2nd bedroom) towards the back of the house; the second shot is looking through the window of the master bedroom back towards the front of the house (yes, those our our showers in the middle there).


girl_in_greenwood said...

Wow, that was fast! Can you tell from observing your neighbors how quickly they'll be done with the framing?

Derek said...

From what we have seen, the framing is usually done within about two days total! It is just amazing! However, I will say that it looks like most of the sections were pre-assembled before arriving at the jobsite, which means they are basically just sticking up the sections and nailing them together.

elizabeth said...

This is so exciting!!

Anonymous said...

Shucks! It'd take me a week to set the first base board.