Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Secured cabinets and fireplace

Well, all you budding criminals can cancel your plane tickets! I don't know if somebody tipped-off the developer, but for the past two days all of our doors have been locked. So our cabinets and wires are nice and secure. (I guess our dirt is still up for grabs, but from looking around the development there is plenty of that anyway, and it's not exactly what I would call "top soil" -- more like "dirt"). That also means two other things: (1) we have to resort to peering through windows to try and see everything that is going on, and (2) my pictures are much crappier. :(

Over the past few days, we have met our neighbors on both sides, as well as across the street. I think we are just about ready to have a block party, even though none of our houses are finished yet. By the way, the majority consensus among the neighbors is that the best way to access our homes now that they are all locked up is through a window -- some through the front bedroom window, others through one of the back windows. (Maybe my pictures will start to improve -- and then you will know exactly how I did it.)

Anyway, they have our cabinets mostly in place, as well as our fireplace.

Here's our nice, tall kitchen cabinets (and you can also see that they've installed the baseboards)

Our fireplace is coming along (it is should be stained to a more medium oak when it is finished, and also will have glass doors).

(By the way, for you digital camera enthusiasts -- I love my Fujifilm camera. This picture was taken at dusk, through the deadbolt hole in our front door, with no flash -- and the fireplace is about 30 feet away! It is blurry when it is blown up, but from this small image it looks pretty darn good.)


girl_in_greenwood said...

Drat! And I was hoping to fly in and get a great deal on a fireplace for our apartment. ;)

Those kitchen cabinets are tall! Good thing you two aren't shrimps like myself.

Anonymous said...

Curses! Foiled again!! Those Indiana builders are just too sharp for us Missouri Hillbillys.

Dr. Hausfrau said...

For the price of our plane tickets from Germany, we could buy a small house of our own ( and furnish it with your nice cabinets! ;^)).