Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We've been springing!

(No, "springing" is not verbing a noun, "spring" is nouning a verb.)

It it actually quite cold right now, but last weekend it felt like spring. We really enjoyed playing in our new yard. We potted flowers. (We planted seeds, too, but they aren't much to look at yet.)

And we dug up turf and built a little flower bed around our faux gas lamp. (It is a real lamp, but it runs on electricity, not gas.) This was amazingly difficult and time-consuming, especially when we had to go get more topsoil half way through. And a new spade. When we were finally done, it looked awfully small and not very exciting. I am sure it will look better when the flowers come up. There will be black-eyed susans and zinnias. I hope.

Dharma helped us garden. Do pansies taste good?

All that gardening was tiring work.

But Dharma soon recharged (even if Derek and Emilie didn't.) Enough to bounce around like a rubber ball when she was supposed to be sleeping! I think dachshunds might be solar-powered. I know that cats definitely are. Unfortunately, dachshunds are not very modest when they sunbathe.

Not even when they have cute little t-shirts they COULD wear. (This one is from Emilie's mom and says "Bundle of Joy." Maybe she's too embarrassed to wear it?)

One last picture, of Mr. No-Dogs-in-the-Bed. Hmmm, that does appear to be a dog. And there does appear to be a bed. My eyes must deceive me! Maybe someone digitally altered it?


girl_in_greenwood said...

That puppy is clearly Photoshopped in!

elizabeth said...

Your yard looks beautiful! So green. And the decorative dachshund adds to the whole effect.

Anonymous said...

The yard's looking good! It's hard to believe just over six months ago it was pretty much mud.
PS: Small dog in bed could equal smashed dog in bed. Sleep in peace!!!