Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Look, up in the sky...

It's a bird, it's a plane, no, wait--could it be the sun?

Last weekend, we got some new patio furniture. Unfortunately, we only got to use it twice before it started raining, and raining, and raining. . .

On the bright side, Dharma has learned that she can stay dry by hiding under it. That is, when the mean, puppy-hating monsters make her go outside in the RAIN and the scary THUNDER. Just because she made a little tiny mess on the carpet. (In all fairness, Derek holds the umbrella over her when she has to go out in the rain, and he just gets wet. And, yes, Derek is the one who usually takes her outside if it is raining.)

Dharma definitely likes Derek best. We discovered one reason:  when she does something good (sit, stay, come), Dharma has some treats that look like Teddy Grahams, and she gets a third of one at a time. Derek just gives her the whole thing. No wonder she will come when he calls her and not when Emilie does. Stingy Emilie! But, when Dharma got a ball of yarn, she wouldn't give it up to Derek, only to Emilie.  As long as she knows who is "top dog" around here.

Although the rain prevented us from enjoying our new patio furniture, the seeds we planted are growing amazingly fast. They already need to be thinned. Soon, there will be flowers to sniff. Dharma learned that violas smell nice but don't taste very good. Some things you just have to learn the hard way, I guess.

Another strange plant sprouted down the street:

Yes, we finally have a street sign! And, I am pleased to report, Pizza Hut now has a special map of The Highlands so they will be able to find us when we have a pizza emergency. Ah, its the little things that make life worth living. (Just kidding. Sort of.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Street signs.....big city living!