Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dharma is back!

My mommy says that some people might not like to read a blog entirely written by a doggie. Is that really true? Why? She said it might be "too cutesy." I don't understand. If something is too cute is it just bad because it makes the rest of your life seem dull and ugly in comparison? Please explain.

My daddy had to log in and help fix some typos on yesterday's post. It is hard to type with paws.

The paws in question. I can type really fast since I have four of them.

It would be nice to have opposable thumbs. I could use doorknobs and can openers. I could get in sooo much trouble! Of course, my feet might look kind of funny. I guess I like them fine the way they are. My mommy calls me "Little Miss Pretty Paws." Now that name might be an example of something that is "too cutesy."

I am feeling very famous. Not only do I get to write on this blog, but some pictures of me showed up on another blog. Very nice pictures, too. My daddy takes lots of pictures of me, but his stupid camera makes my eyes look red. They are actually a nice caramel color.

A very artsy photo showing the real color of my eyes.

Sometimes my mommy sings this song to me, "Brown Eyes." It is to the tune of "Green Sleeves."
Brown Eyes is my delight.
Brown Eyes is all my joy.
Brown eyes is my heart of gold.

I stand ready at your paw
To grant what e'er you may have saw,
And all for my puppy, Brown Eyes.
(Repeat refrain.)

I like to sing along. Sometimes I howl so loud that it echoes and sounds like a whole lot of doxies. It is fun when my mommy and daddy and I all sing together. It reminds me of howling with my doggie family. When I was a tiny puppy, I lived in a house with lots of dachshunds. For a while, there were 15 of us! It was fun, but sometimes loud. (Yes, my foster mommy was a very brave woman.)

Of course, there are advantages to being an only dog. I get all the toys, all the noms, and all the attention. Sometimes mommy will rub my belly and daddy will rub my ears at the same time. Doggie heaven! And I have three different beds, all for me. No, I am not spoiled. Surely you admit I deserve it?!? Hmmmph.

It might be nice to have a chance to play with other doggies. I certainly enjoyed doing that at summer camp. Socks, would you like to have a puppy play date? I have a very nice backyard. And last time I had a doggie friend over we had lots of fun. Any other playful pups out there?


TemporaryLibrarian said...

Cute? Cuteey? We LOVE cute! I even get to blog sometimes, check it out :
The Boston Gentleman gets to blog when he comes to visit and even that Sidekick Cat does! So certainly you should, Dharma!
Please come over to play soon. We can both blog about it. -
your friend, Socks

elizabeth said...

I like the cuteness too!