Monday, September 17, 2007

A locked door (and an electric meter)

So we went by the homesite tonight, and we got to chat with our new neighbors again (there house is scheduled to be completed about a month before ours). However, while we were there, Emilie was very disappointed to find out that the front door was locked...

...So Emilie had to resort to peering through the hole where our deadbolt will be. Fortunately for Emilie, we went around to the back of the house and found out that the sliding glass door was still unlocked. (In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't be mentioning these kinds of details on our blog -- we wouldn't want somebody to break into our house -- but then again, apparently our most loyal readers are in Branson, Seattle, Tallahassee, or busy touring around Europe!). You can also see in this picture that they have added the wiring for our door bell.

They have also installed our electric meter, so now we can exactly how much work they are actually doing on our house. Thus far they are up to 14 KWh of work (so to speak)...


girl_in_greenwood said...

I'm going to rush right out there and break in to your new house and steal... um... some wiring? or some dirt?

Anonymous said...

to girl in greenwood: people really do steal the copper wiring from new homes and sell it for scrap. As for me, we need some new cabinets in our kitchen.....maybe we could split them up between us?

On second thought, we could use some dirt in our backyard to cover the rocks. You steal the cabinets and I'll steal the dirt!