Thursday, November 8, 2007


We had our closing yesterday, and everything went just fine. Although, I will say I don't think we've ever had to sign our name so many times within the span of an hour! And then you can't just sign your name, you have to use your middle initial (even if you don't usually use that as part of your signature). However, the lady from the title company was really nice and patiently waited for us as we read every page (at one point she even got up and left the room to "process our check," but she obviously waited several minutes before coming back so we would have time to finish reading). At the end of the day, we had a ton of paperwork...

After closing, we hurried home (well, okay, we stopped at Gray Brothers in Mooresville first for a nummy early dinner). When we finally made it to the house...

We crossed the "threshold" together...

...and were greeted with a beautiful sunset from our back patio

Derek covering up the "Future" part of our sign

Today we started moving, and tomorrow the movers come to do the heavy lifting. More on that soon!

1 comment:

J. Denae said...

Congratulations!! At our closing I realized that the people giving out the money have no sense of humor. When we got to the paperwork about "no hazardous materials" I looked at Jeff and said, "Well, there goes that meth lab you always wanted!" She didn't laugh at all.