Monday, July 14, 2008

Martha Stewart calling

Those of you who know me "in real life" know I am a compulsive perfectionist.  So, I will continue my quest to be the-next-best-thing-to-Martha-Stewart by asking my dear readers for input.  What can a guest room not be without?  What do you consider essential when staying with friends?  I would say plenty of blankets and a reading light by the bed.  What else do I need?  My favorite activities are sleeping and reading!  My recent guests suggested an alarm clock and lotion.  (Um, actually there was a clock, but it was kind of hidden by other stuff.)  My aunt once refused to visit unless there was a television in her room.  So, you tell me:  what does a guest room need?


elizabeth said...

You're right; the reading light is so important! And a place by the bed to put your books.

J. Denae said...

Bean and I felt so pampered by your guest room just as it was!!

girl_in_greenwood said...

I know I am horribly behind... my vote is for someplace to put your suitcase, whether it's one of those foldup luggage stand thingies or just a chair without arms.