Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer gardening

I thought I was growing flowers.

And dill.

But, actually, I was running an all-you-can eat buffet for caterpillars.

They are so fat, they remind me of Heimlich, the caterpillar from A Bug's Life.

Maybe they will turn into beautiful butterflies for Dharma to chase. She was so excited about a moth in the house that she tried to climb the wall to catch it.

Even more exciting, we had a bat in the house. It was supposed to storm, with gusts to 80 mph winds. So I asked Derek to bring the patio umbrella into the house. We had seen a wasp around it earlier, so he asked me what I would do if a wasp came with it. I told him, quite honestly, that I would scream and grab Dharma and run into the bedroom while he shooed it outside. Well, we didn't have a wasp, we had a bat. And I grabbed Dharma, yelled "Keep it away from the dog, it might have rabies!" and ran into the other room. Derek yelled "What am I supposed to do with it?"

The poor bat managed to find the open door and escape. I think he was okay. We saw a bat a few days later. Hopefully he is feasting on mosquitos. Allegedly, they can eat 600 mosquitoes in an hour! I tried to find out how many calories are in one mosquito, but Google and Wikipedia both failed me. Maybe I should call the reference desk at the public library?

It was only later that we realized, out of the three of us, Dharma is the only one who has had prophylactic rabies shots. Sorry, no pictures of the bat. I was too busy panicking.

1 comment:

J. Denae said...

Wow... that's much scarier than my "bad opossum" incident!!