Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ten lords a-leaping!

Well, really only one cute "lady" leaping. But she's really leaping!

Air Dharma!

She also does hurdles.
Elapsed time: .3 seconds
Elapsed time: .5 seconds

Excellent form! Just look at that dismount! Did you see those ears fly?

After so many jumps, Dharma decided maybe she needed a parachute. Unfortunately, sometimes you get tangled in your own 'chute.

It is so embarrassing!

Actually, that isn't a parachute harness. It is the little harness for her cute doggie car seat. Yes, she has a car seat.

Partially for safety, but also so I didn't have to hold her for 12 hours straight while we drove to Kansas over Christmas. I think she liked it. She could see out of the window or curl up and sleep.

Of course, I did hold her part of the time.

This is the only way to travel: a book in one hand and a doxie in the other!


girl_in_greenwood said...

You are so lucky that you can read in the car without projectile vomiting!

TemporaryLibrarian said...

She can really leap! I would never have thought it.